P-34.1, r. 5.1 - Regulation respecting financial assistance to facilitate tutorship and Indigenous customary tutorship to a child

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3. A tutor who wishes to benefit from the financial assistance provided for in this Regulation must apply therefor to the institution of his or her territory operating a child and youth protection centre, within 60 days, as the case may be, of the date of the tutorship judgment or the date on which the director of youth protection ends the intervention with the child.
If an application is not submitted within the time prescribed in the first paragraph, financial assistance may, despite the delay, be granted to the tutor if the tutor gives sufficient grounds to explain the delay. Where applicable, financial assistance may be granted retroactively for not more than 6 months as of the date of receipt of the duly completed application.
The application must be made using the form provided by the institution. It must also contain the tutor’s name, address and date of birth as well as the name of the child for whom financial assistance is applied for.
O.C. 1914-2023, s. 3.
In force: 2024-02-01
3. A tutor who wishes to benefit from the financial assistance provided for in this Regulation must apply therefor to the institution of his or her territory operating a child and youth protection centre, within 60 days, as the case may be, of the date of the tutorship judgment or the date on which the director of youth protection ends the intervention with the child.
If an application is not submitted within the time prescribed in the first paragraph, financial assistance may, despite the delay, be granted to the tutor if the tutor gives sufficient grounds to explain the delay. Where applicable, financial assistance may be granted retroactively for not more than 6 months as of the date of receipt of the duly completed application.
The application must be made using the form provided by the institution. It must also contain the tutor’s name, address and date of birth as well as the name of the child for whom financial assistance is applied for.
O.C. 1914-2023, s. 3.